ทฤษฎีความสามารถ แรงจูงใจ โอกาส: ความเป็นมาและพัฒนาการ


  • Yuttana Sae-Tieow Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University
  • Nantawut Leeamornsiri Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University


AMO theory, HPWS, HRM practice


During the 1970s-1980s, the United States struggled to compete with foreign manufacturers. Several high performance work systems (HPWS) have been developed to address this issue, including the AMO-based HPWS. It proposes a guideline that has 3 components: ability, motivation, opportunity to participate. This practice is a solution to the problem of work design according to the Taylor concept, which results in people not applying ideas to their work. The AMO concept stands out from the others, that was previously presented in the clarity of the conceptual framework and can be proved empirically AMO is now recognized as an important theory in human resource research describing the relationship between human resource practices and performance of individuals to the organizational level. The AMO has continued to evolve with the addition of more human resource practices from its original concept and extends to explaining performance in many areas, including innovation results. In an era where human resource management focuses on knowledge and skills and contributes to the organization's innovation strategy. AMO theory will also play a key role in defining practices that align with organization direction.


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How to Cite

Sae-Tieow, Y., & Leeamornsiri, N. (2023). ABILITY MOTIVATION OPPORTUNITY THEORY : BACKGROUND AND EVOLUTION: ทฤษฎีความสามารถ แรงจูงใจ โอกาส: ความเป็นมาและพัฒนาการ. วารสารบริหารธุรกิจศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ: Srinakharinwirot Business Journal, 14(2), 144–157. Retrieved from https://ejournals.swu.ac.th/index.php/MBASBJ/article/view/15185