ปัจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลต่อทัศนคติและความตั้งใจในการทำธุรกรรม ทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ผ่านผู้ให้บริการกระเป๋าเงินดิจิทัล ของผู้บริโภคเจเนอเรชั่นวาย


  • Warapon Dansiri Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University, Sriracha Campus
  • Guy Ninwadi Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University, Sriracha Campus
  • Pitchakorn Pinthaisong Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University, Sriracha Campus
  • Sasiwimon Saebang Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University, Sriracha Campus
  • Sasiwimon Sawangmit Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University, Sriracha Campus


Digital wallet, Attitude, Behavioral Intention, Generation Y


The aim of this research was to examine the influence of Perceived ease of use, Perceived usefulness, Trust, and Promotional benefits toward attitude and intention to use digital wallet services. There were 400 samples in this study who were Generation Y consumers aged between 21-37 years old. The data were collected by online questionnaire. The hypothesis was tested by multiple linear regression and path analysis. The results of this study showed that Perceived ease of use, Perceived Usefulness, Trust, and Promotional Benefits factors had a significant effect on Intention to use digital wallet services and Attitude also significantly influenced Intention to use digital wallet services. The study also examined the direct and indirect effects of the mediator which found that Perceived ease of use and Perceived Usefulness influenced Intention to use digital wallet services where Attitude is the partial mediation. At the same time, Trust and Promotional Benefits also influenced Intention to use digital wallet services where Attitude is the full mediation. The study also provided additional information for entrepreneurs to apply in their planning or developing marketing strategies to meet the needs of their target users.


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How to Cite

Dansiri, W., Ninwadi, G. ., Pinthaisong, P. ., Saebang, S. ., & Sawangmit, S. . (2023). FACTORS INFLUENCING ATTITUDE AND INTENTION TO MAKE ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS VIA DIGITAL WALLET PROVIDERS OF GENERATION Y CONSUMERS: ปัจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลต่อทัศนคติและความตั้งใจในการทำธุรกรรม ทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ผ่านผู้ให้บริการกระเป๋าเงินดิจิทัล ของผู้บริโภคเจเนอเรชั่นวาย. วารสารบริหารธุรกิจศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ: Srinakharinwirot Business Journal, 14(2), 31–47. Retrieved from https://ejournals.swu.ac.th/index.php/MBASBJ/article/view/15165