Factors Influencing the Dentist’s Decision to Propose a Tooth Autotransplantation in the Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
Tooth Autotransplantation, Decision-making, ProposalAbstract
Objectives: To study factors which influence a dentist’s decision to propose the Tooth Autotransplantation (AT). Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 99 dentists between January and March 2021. A questionnaire comprised demographic characteristics, unguided scenario, guided scenario, reasoning behind decisions, experience, and knowledge of AT. Data were analyzed using the Chi-square test, and multiple logistic regression. Results: The respondents comprised 73 females and 26 males with a mean age of 30.84 ± 6.238 years. In the unguided scenario, there were significant associations between fields of expertise, experience, knowledge of current indications, outcomes, and the benefits of AT with the dentists’decision to propose AT, whereas in the guided scenario, experience in proposing AT, knowledge of follow-ups, and outcomes were significant. After each associated factors were analyzed with multiple logistic regression, the result showed that dentists who indicated that they have proposed AT to patients were 9.592 times more likely to propose AT in the unguided scenario, and a value were 27.97 times in the guided scenario. Conclusions: Dentist’s experience of proposal AT is significantly associated with the dentist’s decision to propose AT. Hence, dentist is an important part for increasing number of AT cases. To lessen the extent to which AT is disregarded or misunderstood, future educational initiatives should incorporate more experiential and observational opportunities for dental students and post-graduate professionals.Downloads
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