The Open-Ended Problem Solving in Mathematics Class of Grade 6 Students

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Assoc.Adisak Pongpullponsak
Jiraporn Kulchantawit


The objective of this research was to study the result of
open-ended problem solving methods in mathematics class
instruction of Grade-6 students. Three open-ended problem
solving activities had been implemented, including those
activities related to geometry, arithmetic and problem solving
skills, with 61 grade-6 students of Wat Chang Lek and Ras
Padung Pol schools. The data collecting tools included
evaluation and scoring criteria form, learning efficiency
evaluation form and mathematic learning attitude evaluation
form. The statistics tools included average value, standard
errors, data presentation (table and descriptive). In learning
efficiency comparison, the statistics term "t" was employed to
compare learning efficiency of two groups of students. The
result indicated that there was no difference in learning
efficiency between two methods while the attitude in
mathematics learning, with open-ended problem solving
method, of the students in the experimental group was in
"strongly agree" level. The thinking behavior, in problem solving by each aspect, of students in the same experimental group (in both small sub groups and individual) was in "good" level.


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How to Cite
Pongpullponsak, A., & Kulchantawit, J. (2009). The Open-Ended Problem Solving in Mathematics Class of Grade 6 Students. วารสารวิชาการศึกษาศาสตร์ ศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ, 6(1). Retrieved from
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