การพัฒนาช่องทางการตลาดดิจิทัลของกลุ่มวิสาหกิจชุมชนแม่บ้านเกษตรกรสวนเก้าแสน ตำบลบางปลา อำเภอบางพลี จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ


  • Benrisa Tancharoen Faculty of Management Science, Dhonburi Rajabhat University


Marketing channel development, Digital marketing, Marketing channel, Community enterprise


This research aims to study the conditions and problems of digital marketing channels. The need for community product content marketing and development of community product content marketing tools on Facebook fan pages that affect the decision to purchase community products. As well as satisfaction assessment of tourists to the Kao Saen garden farmer housewife community enterprise group, Bang Pla subdistrict, Bang Phli district, Samut Prakan province. It is a mixed method research (Mixed Methods Research).The area in this study is the Kao Saen garden farmer housewife community enterprise group and areas according to tourist attractions in Samut Prakan province. Qualitative study results found that Kao saen garden housewife and farmers community enterprise group, Bang Pla subdistrict, Bang Phli district, Samut Prakan province. It has the advantage of being a product made from natural raw materials. Does not destroy the environment weaknesses include a lack of skills in using digital media to develop sales potential. Regarding the need for community product content marketing and developing community product content marketing tools on Facebook fan pages that affect the decision to purchase community products, it was found that there is a need for the development of digital sales channels. Content development and advertising  In this regard, in the part of developing content marketing tools for community products on the Facebook fan page of the community enterprise group of suan Kao Saen farmers housewife, Bang Pla subdistrict, Bang Phli district, Samut Prakan province, found that there has been development. Content marketing of community products on Facebook fan page that affect the decision to buy community products including using illustrations to create content and making a difference to the product by applying and modifying fabric into other types of products. Expanding the area for providing information about products by using Gen C people to help present products. Using hashtags (Hashtag) creating content to create an identity for the product. By highlighting the highlight of being a tie-pattern fabric dyed with natural colors. Provides long-lasting color and the group added uniqueness to the tie-dye fabric by using Bodhi Thale leaf patterns. Which is the provincial tree of Samut Prakan, printed with patterns and presenting content as an activity with community participation. It will be content that invites the target group to show certain behaviors, such as news perception. Product purchasing decisions, etc. For the quantitative results of the study, it was found that tourists' satisfaction with the Kao Saen farmer housewife community enterprise group, Bang Pla subdistrict, Bang Phli district, Samut Prakan province. The results of the study found that satisfaction at the highest level and there was a decision to buy the products of the Kao Saen garden farmer housewives community enterprise group at the highest level when the Facebook fan page of the Kao Saen farmer housewife community enterprise group was opened.


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How to Cite

Tancharoen, B. . (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL MARKETING CHANNEL OF KAOSAEN COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE, BANG PLA, BANG PHLI DISTRICT, SAMUT PRAKAN PROVINCE : การพัฒนาช่องทางการตลาดดิจิทัลของกลุ่มวิสาหกิจชุมชนแม่บ้านเกษตรกรสวนเก้าแสน ตำบลบางปลา อำเภอบางพลี จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ . วารสารบริหารธุรกิจศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ: Srinakharinwirot Business Journal, 15(1), 30–47. Retrieved from