คุณค่าทางโภชนาการและประโยชน์ทางการแพทย์ของเวย์โปรตีน Whey Protein: Nutritional and Medical Benefits


  • ธนกร ศิริสมุทร
  • Thanakorn Sirisamut


Whey protein, a milk constituent with a high concentration of essentialamino acids, has been used for a long period as protein source forsportsman or body-builder persons. While the growth of medicaltechnology. The nutritional and medical values in whey protein were foundrapidly and systematically. Numerous animal studies and human studieshad shown promised benefits on medical aspects in some infectiousdiseases, chronic liver diseases or cancer. Hence, medical applications ofwhey protein will be projected as alternative or adjuvant in medicaltreatment.Keywords: whey protein, medical benefit, nutritional benefit


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