การประเมินผลโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์ช่วยสอน เรื่อง เภสัชจลนศาสตร์ของยาฟีไนโตอิน Assessment of Computer-Assisted Instruction for Pharmacokinetics of Phenytoin


  • กัมพล ยิ่งแก้ว
  • ณัฐธิดา เวทนาสุข
  • พีรยา ศรีผ่อง
  • จันทร์ทิพย์ กาญจนศิลป์
  • Kampol Yingkaew
  • Natthida Vetthanasuk
  • Peeraya Sriphong
  • Jantip Kanjanasilp


Objective: To assess effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction (CAI)program on pharmacokinetics of phenytoin compared with conventionallearning, and to determine satisfaction on the use of the CAI. Methods:The CAI was tested by the 4th year pharmacy students in the 2nd semesterof the academic year of 2013. The students had learned thepharmacokinetics of phenytoin in a class lecture. Students were allocatedto 2 groups by stratified random sampling based on percentile of their GPA.The control group (n = 37) learned through self-study plus exercisescourse-pack while intervention group (n = 37) through the CAI program.The CAI program was divided into 3 parts, a profile of phenytoin, phenytoinpharmacokinetics, and phenytoin level calculation with exercises. Pre-testand post-test scores were compared statistically. Results: In each of thetwo groups, post-test score was statistically significantly higher than pretestscore (P < 0.001 for both groups). However, there was no significantdifference in post-test scores between groups. Among students withmedium to high GPA level, post-test score of intervention group wassignificantly higher than control group (9.38  0.74 and 8.00  1.32 points,respectively, P = 0.028). Satisfaction to the CAI program was in a goodlevel. Conclusion: A CAI program on phenytoin pharmacokineticsimproves the understanding of the learners after the lecture class.Keywords: computer-assisted instruction, CAI, pharmacokinetics, phenytoin


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