ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างการสนับสนุนทางสังคม ความเชื่อด้านสุขภาพ พฤติกรรมการดูแลตนเอง และความดันโลหิตของป่วยโรคความดันโลหิตสูงในอำเภอเมือง จังหวัดนครนายก Relationships among Social support, Health Beliefs, Self-care Behaviors and Blood Pressure of Hypertensive


  • ณัฐพร อยู่ปาน
  • พัชรี ดวงจันทร์
  • พนิดา แจ่มผล
  • Nattaporn Yoopan
  • Patcharee Duangchan
  • Panida Jampole


Objective: To determine level of social support, health beliefs, self-carebehaviors and blood pressure of hypertensive patients, and to examinerelationships among those variables. Method: In this correlational study, asample of 200 hypertensive patients in Meuang district, Nakhonnayokprovince was interviewed by means of questionnaire. Descriptive statisticsand correlation coefficients were used for analysis. Results: Mean SBPand DBP blood pressures were 130.84  14.98 และ 78.59  10.61 mmHg,respectively. Overall social support, health beliefs, and self-care behaviorswere all in high level. It was found that social support positively correlatedwith health beliefs (r = 0.218, P < 0.01), health belief was positivelycorrelated with self-care behaviors (r = 0.406), and self-care behavior wasnegatively correlated with diastolic blood pressure (r = -0.277), significantlywith P < 0.01 for all correlations. Conclusion: Social support, healthbeliefs, and self-care behaviors of hypertensive patients in Meuang district,Nakhonnayok province were at high level. The correlations among thesefactors suggest that appropriate social support and health beliefs promotioncould lead to more effective self-care behaviors of hypertensive patientsand a better blood pressure control.Keywords: Self-care behavior, hypertension, health beliefs, social support


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