การประยุกต์นาโนสตรักเจอร์ลิปิดแครีเออร์ในการนำส่งยา Applications of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers for Drug Delivery


  • พรวนิช เจริญพุทธคุณ
  • ธนะเศรษฐ์ ง้าวหิรัญพัฒน์
  • Ponwanit Charoenputtakun
  • Tanasait Ngawhirunpat


Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) are second generation of lipidnanocarriers. NLC are colloidal carriers characterized by a solid lipid coreconsisting of a mixture of solid and liquid lipids and having a mean particlesize in the nanometer range. The NLC have many advantages (e.g.physical stability, protection of incorporated labile drugs from degradation,controlled relea se, excellent tolerability, easy to scale up and low cost ofexcipients). NLC formulations for various application routes (parenteral,oral, topical, ocular, pulmonary, and rectal) have been developed andthoroughly characterized in vitro and in vivo. NLC have been widely studiedas a next-generation delivery system in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.The concept of surface modification is further increasing the importance ofNLC among the conventional colloidal carriers. In this article reviews aboutthe applications of NLC in the parenteral, oral, topical, ocular andpulmonary applications.Keywords: nanostructured lipid carriers, drug delivery


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