ทัศนคติและขั้นตอนการเปลี่ยนแปลงไปสู่การเข้าร่วมโครงการร้านยาคุณภาพของเภสัชกรเจ้าของธุรกิจร้านยา ในเขตอำเภอเมือง จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ Attitudes and Stage of Change Towards Participation to the Community Pharmacy Development and Accreditation Project of Pharma


  • ภัณฑิรา ปริญญารักษ์
  • พักตร์วิภา สุวรรณพรหม
  • Pantira Parinyarux
  • Puckwipa Suwannaprom


Objective: To study attitudes and stage of change towards participation tothe community pharmacy development and accreditation (CPA) projectamong the pharmacists who were drug store owners and worked there fulltimein Muang district, Chiang Mai province. Methods: Mixed methodtechnique was used. In phase 1, a mailed survey was used to exploreattitudes of the full-time practicing pharmacist drug store owners who hadnot participated in the CPA project. All 134 pharmacist store owners inMuang district, Chiang Mai province were asked to respond the survey. Inphase 2, 11 pharmacists were purposively selected for an interview forfurther explanations regarding findings in phase 1. Results: The mailedsurvey response rate was 40.6%. The majority of pharmacist drug storeowners (46.0%) were in pre-contemplation phase (i.e., no intention to jointhe project), and 44.0% in contemplation phase (having a concern aboutthe project). The majority of them did not know about the process of projectparticipation, nor see clear benefits of the project; some disagreed with theproject registration fee. Findings from interviews and open-ended questionssuggested that the decision not to participate in project was not onlylimitations on the drug store side, but also on the project side, for instancelack of regular publicity and no tangible benefits to drug store owners.However, 84.4% stated they had a potential to participate in the programand 53.1% agreed that the program should be enforced by law.Conclusion: The pharmacist drug store owners, a potential target for thecommunity pharmacy development and accreditation project, were currentlyhad no intention and no motivation to join the project.Keywords: community pharmacy development and accreditation project,pharmacist, drug store, stage of change


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