Knowledge Synthesis from Case Study on Community Health System Development: The Ensign of Spirit Project for Relationship Strengthening and Peer Support
Objective: To synthesize knowledge from collective experience in acommunity health development project for the elderly called theEnsign of Spirit Project for Relationship Strengthening and PeerSupport, by means of after-action review. Method: This qualitativeresearch used in-depth interview, focus group, observation, anddocument analysis in all involving parties in the catchment area ofBanphra Health Center, Muang, Prachinburi province. Data wereanalyzed using content and thematic analyses based on 5 conceptsincluding community health development process, goal of suchdevelopment, tangible health care practices, role of stakeholders,and factors contributing to success. Results: Based on the 5concepts, community health development process consisted ofutilization and development of social capability of the elders’ club,participatory meetings, and establishment of the local partnershipnetwork. Regarding the goal, the elderly was a unanimouspopulation target, and health problems and shared goals wereclearly identified. Tangible health care practices included identifyinghealth problems, developing the elderly social capability, anddesigning healthcare activities/home visit. Lastly, success factorsincluded elderly needs as the ultimate goal, participation of allparties, and the elderly group potential. Conclusion: Five conceptsincluding community health development process, development goal,tangible practices, stakeholders’ roles, and success factors, werefound in an analysis on a community elderly health developmentproject. Local cooperation from all parties is thus crucial for solvingcommunity health problems with continuity and sustainability.Key words: knowledge synthesis, elderly, community health systemdevelopment, after-action reviewDownloads
Original Research Article - นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ
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