About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Science Essence Journal (Sci. Ess. J. or SEJ), formerly known as Srinakharinwirot Science Journal (SWU. Sci. J.), is a peer-reviewed journal, published in two issues per year by the Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand. The journal publishes the original research articles and review articles, and all contributions are accepted only in English. The journal aims to provide a platform for exchange and distribution of the knowledge in all areas of science and related fields. The scope includes mathematics and statistics, chemistry, biology, physics, material science, computer science, food science and science education. All articles considered for publication in this journal must have not been previously published in other journals or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts are welcomed and can be submitted online via the website: http://ejournals.swu.ac.th/index.php/sej/.


SEJ only accepts manuscripts that are written in English. The manuscript should be written in clear and concise language with proper grammar and correct spelling.


Article Processing Charges (APC)
The publication and review process are Free of Charge.


Open Access Policy 
SEJ is an open-access journal and all articles are freely available to all readers for exchange of scientific knowledge and related fields.


Peer Review Process
The journal uses double-blind review process which both the reviewer and the author are concealed from each other. Peer-review process will be performed by at least two reviewers who are experts in the relevant fields.


Publication Frequency
Science Essence Journal is published in two issues annually (issue 1: January-June and issue 2: July-December).

SEJ also publishes research articles from the conferences hosted or co-hosted by the Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, in Special issue or Supplement issue. Special issue is published in regular schedule of the journal (June or December), while Supplement issue is published in an extra issue from the regular schedule. All articles must be submitted to the journal’s website, and the review process is performed using the same process as manuscripts submitted regularly.


Types of article
Science Essence Journal welcomes original research articles and review articles.

  • Research articles – The article reports original research data that include a clear research hypothesis, methodology, results, and conclusion.
  • Review articles -  The article should provide critical and constructive analyses on a particular topic in area of science with significant important issues of knowledge from the existing literature.


Topic of Interest
Science Essence Journal welcomes original research articles and review articles which have not been previously published elsewhere. The journal provides a forum for the publication of papers related to various aspects of science. The scope includes:

 Mathematics and statistics                    Chemistry

 Biology                                            Physics

 Material science                                 Computer science

 Food science                                      Science education


Copyright and Licensing
Authors retain copyright ownership, and they can use their data for publication elsewhere with permission from Science Essence Journal. Reproduction of Figures, Tables, and Graphics can be made with approval from Science Essence Journal. We encourage authors to ensure ethical use and proper citation when utilizing content from Science Essence Journal in their future works.


SEJ is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand.


Revenue Sources
SEJ is fully supported by the Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University. The peer-review process and editorial decisions are made solely by the editor based on the scientific merit of the manuscript.


Advertising and Direct Marketing
SEJ aims to provide a platform for exchange and distribution of the knowledge in all areas of science and related fields with Free of Charge. The journal does not accept any advertising revenue or any paid advertisements, and the journal does not have marketing policies.


Science Essence Journal or Srinakharinwirot Science Journal is indexed in the Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI 1) and ASEAN Citation Index (ACI)


Online ISSN: 2985-0290

Journal managerial office (Tel. 0-2649-5000 ext. 18427, email : scjournal@g.swu.ac.th).

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update: 15 Aug 2023