หลากหลายพาราเซตามอลไซรัป A Variety of Paracetamol Syrups
ABSTRACTIn this article, we demonstrates a case study in community pharmacy forone-on-one training between a pharmacy student (4th year or higher) as apharmacist trainee and an instructor as a simulated customer and as a coachgiving critique feed back after the case completion. At a simulated communitypharmacy, a customer requested paracetamol syrup for his daughter. Thecontent of the case is defined into 3 columns. The left column contains thepharmacist trainee’s talk, thought and action; while the middle columndictates the simulated customer interact and act in accordance with thetrainee. The right column offers additional explanations the talks, thoughtsand acts of the trainee and customer in the first two columns. The emphasisis on oral liquid paracetamol product differentiation. How to integrate basicpharmaceutical knowledge acquired by the 4th year pharmacy students intopharmacy practice is demonstrated. Bilingual content, Thai and English, isavailable for communication with English speaking customers.Keywords: paracetamol syrup, fever, history taking, community pharmacy,bilingual, integrationDownloads
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Review Article - นิพนธ์ปริทัศน์