เสวนาสารเภสัชกรรมและบริการสุขภาพ: Dialogue on Pharmacy and Health Care Practice https://ejournals.swu.ac.th/index.php/dphcp pharmacy practice and health care practice en-US เสวนาสารเภสัชกรรมและบริการสุขภาพ: Dialogue on Pharmacy and Health Care Practice ความเข้าใจคำสั่งใช้ยาอะดรีนาลีนของพยาบาลและเภสัชกร Understanding on Adrenaline Prescription Orders among Pharmacists and Nurses https://ejournals.swu.ac.th/index.php/dphcp/article/view/7703 <p>ABSTRACTObjective: To explore understandings on adrenaline prescription both ratioand non-ratio orders among nurses and pharmacists. Methods: Thisdescriptive study used survey questionnaire to ask nurses and pharmacistsin 3 general hospitals in 3 provinces in the central Thailand. Ratioprescription order was adrenaline (1:10000) iv drip 10 mcd/min and thenon-ratio one was adrenaline 10 mg + NSS 100 ml iv drip 10 mcd/min.Questions included amount of adrenaline and large volume parenterals(LVP) to be used, rate of infusion, reported ability to prepare the admixture,number of adrenaline ampoules and LVP bags required/dispensed. Nurseswere further asked preparation methods and replacing volume. Resultswere presented as frequencies and percentages. Results: A total of 56nurses and 18 pharmacists participated in the study. For ratio orders,correct amount of adrenaline and LVP to be used was answered by30.36% nurses and 55.56% pharmacists, reported ability to prepare theadmixture by 57.14% nurses and 55.56% pharmacists, and correct numberof adrenaline ampoules and LVP bags required/dispensed by 33.93%nurses and 61.11% pharmacists. Among nurses, 26.79% each statedcorrect preparation methods and replacing volume. For non-ratio orders,reported ability to prepare the admixture was reported by 71.43% nursesand 100.00% pharmacists, and correct number of adrenaline ampoules andLVP bags required/dispensed was reported by 62.50% nurses and100.00% pharmacists. Conclusion: A conservable number of nurses andpharmacists were confused with adrenaline prescription orders, where itwas more prevalent among nurses. More understanding on adrenalineprescription is an urgent need.</p><p>Keywords: understanding, prescription orders, adrenaline, ratio order</p> สุชาดา มณิรุจิ ผณินทร งามศิริ พนารัตน์ แสงแจ่ม Suchada Maneeruji1 Panintorn Ngamsiri Panarat Sangjam Copyright (c) 1 4 ฤทธิ์ต้านจุลชีพของสารสกัดจากดอกไม้ในประเทศไทย Antimicrobial Activity of Flower Extracts in Thailand https://ejournals.swu.ac.th/index.php/dphcp/article/view/7704 <p>Objective: To evaluate antimicrobial activities of the ethanol extracts of 30Thai flowers against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Methods: Thepathogenic microorganisms included 5 strains of bacteria, namely Bacilussubtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli,and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and 2 strains of fungi, specifically,Aspergillus niger and Candida albican. The crude extracts were examinedfor antimicrobial activity using agar disc diffusion and microbroth dilutionmethods. Results: Most flower extracts, with their highest concentrations(333 mg/ml), exhibited antimicrobial properties against S. aureus, B. subtilisand E. coli, but not against S. typhimurium, P. aeruginosa, A. niger or C.albican. The extracts of Senna surattensis and Caesulpinia pulcherrimaboth demonstrated the highest inhibition effect against S. aureus at acomparable MIC of 300 g/ml. The highest antimicrobial effect was foundin Nelumbo nucifera extract with an MIC of 1,200 g/ml against B. subtilisand E. coli. Conclusion: Antibacterial activities were found in variousflower extracts at their highest concentrations. Nelumbo nucifera extractexhibited the highest antibacterial activity against B. subtilis and E. coli.</p><p>Keywords: antibacterial, antimicrobial, ethanol extract, flower, Thailand</p> วีระศักดิ์ สามี ชุติมา กิติทัศน์เศรณี สุภชา สกุลมานิต ฤทธิ์ วัฒนชัยยิ่งเจริญ Weerasak Samee Chutima Kititasserani Supacha Skulmanit Ritt Wattanachaiyingcharoen Copyright (c) 1 4 เจตคติและประสิทธิผลของกระบวนการเรียนรู้ด้วยตนเองด้วยการทำรายงาน: กรณีศึกษารายวิชาเคมีของยา 2 Attitude towards and Effectiveness of Report-based Self-directed Learning Process: A Case Study in Medicinal Chemistry-2 Course https://ejournals.swu.ac.th/index.php/dphcp/article/view/7705 <p>ABSTRACTObjective: To evaluate attitude towards and effectiveness of a reportbasedself-directed learning process, in addition to traditional classroomlearning. Methods: In this descriptive classroom research, we enrolledstudents registering the medicinal chemistry-2 of the Faculty of Pharmacy,Srinakharinwirot University, in the 2nd semester, academic year 2008. Inevaluating the report-based self-directed learning, 1) self-directed learningbehavior, 2) attitude towards the learning process were self-assessed bythe students, 3) effectiveness of the learning process was assessed by theinstructors grading 8 reports. Results: The majority of students (50.00%)spent 2 – 4 hours per week for self-directed learning, while 94.10% learnedat their residence, 72.10% learned alone, and 92.60% learned from coursematerials. Structure-activity relationship was the topic the majority ofstudents learned (73.50%). Most students (83.90%) reported that thelearning helped them understand more, 79.40% agreed that the learningprocess helped them realize their problems and obstacles in the classroomlearning, and 70.60% felt enthusiastic in the learning. In terms ofeffectiveness, assignment scores ranged from 8 – 9 points (out of 10) forall topics. Conclusion: Report-based self-directed learning process helpedstudents review course materials, realized their shortcomings and unclearcontents for further self-directed learning. The process could help studentsimprove their life-long learning process.</p><p>Keywords: self-directed learning, self-directed learning report, medicinalchemistry course</p> วีระศักดิ์ สามี สุวรรณา วรรัตน์ ชญานิศ ศรชัยธวัชวงศ์ วัฒนพร พัฒนภักดี พัชรวีร์ นันท์ธนะวานิช Weerasak Samee Suwanna Vorarat Chayanid Sornchaithawatwong Wattanaporn Pattanapukdee Patcharawee Nunthanavanit Copyright (c) 1 4 หลากหลายพาราเซตามอลไซรัป A Variety of Paracetamol Syrups https://ejournals.swu.ac.th/index.php/dphcp/article/view/7706 <p>ABSTRACTIn this article, we demonstrates a case study in community pharmacy forone-on-one training between a pharmacy student (4th year or higher) as apharmacist trainee and an instructor as a simulated customer and as a coachgiving critique feed back after the case completion. At a simulated communitypharmacy, a customer requested paracetamol syrup for his daughter. Thecontent of the case is defined into 3 columns. The left column contains thepharmacist trainee’s talk, thought and action; while the middle columndictates the simulated customer interact and act in accordance with thetrainee. The right column offers additional explanations the talks, thoughtsand acts of the trainee and customer in the first two columns. The emphasisis on oral liquid paracetamol product differentiation. How to integrate basicpharmaceutical knowledge acquired by the 4th year pharmacy students intopharmacy practice is demonstrated. Bilingual content, Thai and English, isavailable for communication with English speaking customers.</p><p>Keywords: paracetamol syrup, fever, history taking, community pharmacy,bilingual, integration</p> ชญานิศ ศรชัยธวัชวงศ์ พนารัตน์ แสงแจ่ม ฉัตรวดี กฤษณพันธุ์ เจริญ ตรีศักดิ์ Chayanid Sornchaithawatwong Panarat Sangjam Chutwadee Krisanapun Charoen Treesak Copyright (c) 1 4 -ส่วนบทนำ- https://ejournals.swu.ac.th/index.php/dphcp/article/view/7702 ภก.ผศ.ดร.เจริญ ตรีศักดิ์ Copyright (c) 1 4