ความเข้าใจคำสั่งใช้ยาอะดรีนาลีนของพยาบาลและเภสัชกร Understanding on Adrenaline Prescription Orders among Pharmacists and Nurses
ABSTRACTObjective: To explore understandings on adrenaline prescription both ratioand non-ratio orders among nurses and pharmacists. Methods: Thisdescriptive study used survey questionnaire to ask nurses and pharmacistsin 3 general hospitals in 3 provinces in the central Thailand. Ratioprescription order was adrenaline (1:10000) iv drip 10 mcd/min and thenon-ratio one was adrenaline 10 mg + NSS 100 ml iv drip 10 mcd/min.Questions included amount of adrenaline and large volume parenterals(LVP) to be used, rate of infusion, reported ability to prepare the admixture,number of adrenaline ampoules and LVP bags required/dispensed. Nurseswere further asked preparation methods and replacing volume. Resultswere presented as frequencies and percentages. Results: A total of 56nurses and 18 pharmacists participated in the study. For ratio orders,correct amount of adrenaline and LVP to be used was answered by30.36% nurses and 55.56% pharmacists, reported ability to prepare theadmixture by 57.14% nurses and 55.56% pharmacists, and correct numberof adrenaline ampoules and LVP bags required/dispensed by 33.93%nurses and 61.11% pharmacists. Among nurses, 26.79% each statedcorrect preparation methods and replacing volume. For non-ratio orders,reported ability to prepare the admixture was reported by 71.43% nursesand 100.00% pharmacists, and correct number of adrenaline ampoules andLVP bags required/dispensed was reported by 62.50% nurses and100.00% pharmacists. Conclusion: A conservable number of nurses andpharmacists were confused with adrenaline prescription orders, where itwas more prevalent among nurses. More understanding on adrenalineprescription is an urgent need.Keywords: understanding, prescription orders, adrenaline, ratio orderDownloads
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Original Research Article - นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ