ผลของการใช้สื่อการสอนออนไลน์และแผนที่ความคิด ต่อทัศนคติ ความสุข และระดับความรู้ในการเรียนวิชาการพยาบาลผู้ใหญ่ ของนิสิตพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ EFFICIENCY OF E-LEARNING COURSEWARE AND MIND MAP ON THE NURSING STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE, HAPPINESS AND KNOW


  • จันทิมา ฤกษ์เลื่อนฤทธิ์
  • พรปวีณ์ ชื่นใจเรือง
  • จิรวรรณ อินคุ้ม
  • ดวงเดือน รัตนะมงคลกุล
  • อริสรา สุขวัจนี
  • เพชรัตน์ รุจิพงศ์


A subject of adult nursing involves every human’s organ function. Therefore, a teaching-learning approach which encourages nursing students effectively learn and apply in the real situations is needed. E-learning courseware and mind map meet these goals because they promote two way communications, collaboration between instructors and students, and students’ self-learning. One group pretest-posttest designed, pre-experimental approach was launched in this research.Purpose The objective of this study was to examine the efficiency of E-learning courseware and mind map on nursing students’ attitude, happiness, and knowledge in study of adult nursing subject. In academic year 2013, during October, 2012 to March, 2013, 113 third year nursing students, Faculty of Nursing, Srinakharinwirot University being population of this research were recruited.Methods Data were collected using four sets of questionnaires consisting of personal data questionnaire, the attitude on teaching and learning questionnaire, happiness on teaching and learning questionnaire, and the knowledge related to adult nursing questionnaire. All data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage and standard deviation. Moreover, paired t-test was utilized to analyze the comparison of the pretest-posttest results.Results The study revealed that mean scores of nursing students’ attitude, happiness, and knowledge of the posttest were significantly higher than those of the pretest (p<.001).Conclusion E-learning courseware and mind map should be performed to promote nursing students’ attitude, happiness, and knowledge. Therefore, these results suggest that instructors should be trained about e-learning courseware and mind map in order to improve their teaching and learning skills.


