พิธีกรหญิงในรายการบันเทิงทางโทรทัศน์ บุคลิกภาพและบทบาท


  • พิมพาภรณ์ บุญประเสริฐ


The article aims to study personality and role of women masters of ceremonies intelevision entertainment programs. The study shows that women masters of ceremonies arelikely to employ the tricks of irony, humor and tease in their conversation, while at times;they feign innocence and/or aggressiveness towards their male counterparts. Such actscreate more relaxing and entertaining atmospheres in the TV shows. In terms of role, womenmasters of ceremonies, similar to their male colleagues, are responsible for similar activitieswhile co-hosting the programs: They start the show, introduce and interview the guests, andbid farewell to the viewers. Basically, their role in running the television shows is as importantas menûs.


