Homeopathy: Science of alternative medicine and application


  • Non Non Sowanna


Homeopathy, Alternative Medicine, Holistic care


Homeopathy was discovered by Samuel Hahneman a German physician over 200 years ago. The three important rules are law of similars, law of minimum dose and law of single remedy. The first herb has been used as homeopathic remedy is Cinchona bark which is well-known for treatment of malaria. In addition, law of minimum dose a second law of homeopathy is similarto a principle of the vaccine production. The homeopathy has been used earlier to treat patients with infectious and outbreak diseases. Following the development of health care systems and the discovery of penicillin the role of homeopathy was minimized. Upon the current global illness changed to a chronic illness with the occurrence of antibiotic drugs resistance, the role of many alternative medicine that base on holistic care such as traditional chinese medicine, natural base medicine including homeopathy brought back to health system in several countries. In Thailand, however the medical providers have less knowledge in homeopathy. This article serves to promote the understanding of homeopathy and to demonstrate the applications of homeopathy in foreign countries compared to Thailand and the recommendations for the development of homeopathy in Thailand were elucidated.
