The result of tubal reversal by microsurgical suprapubic minilaparotomy in the Health promoting hospital, region1, Chiangmai, Thailand


  • Thongthawee Suphakom
  • Kunya Salidkaew
  • Nongnuch Wutthipreecha


Assisted reproduction, Tubal reversal, Pregnancy


One of the common methods of contraception in the northern part of Thailand is tubalsterilization. After changing of marital status, some of the women who had previous tubalsterilization change their decision to reverse the tubal ligation. The Health promoting hospitalregion 1 is a 60 bed size hospital that has the facilities to perform a tubal reversal. There were 59patients requested for this procedure during 2007-2015 in the Health Promoting Hospital, region1. Their average age was 34.75 + 5.04 yr. The percentage of loss follow up was 28.81 %. Totalnumber of pregnancy after tubal reversal was 27 (64.29%). The crude pregnancy rate was 45.76%.Most of them (94.83%) had performed tubal sterilization during period of postpartum. The mainsite of tubal scar is on ampulla part (42.6%). Average surgical time in pregnant and non-pregnantgroup was not statistically different (97.81 + 36.13 vs 88.60 + 32.15 min, p = 0.4188). The agegroup of 31 - 35 yr. had the highest percentage of total pregnancy (68.18%). The second rank wason the age group 20 - 30 yr. (55.56%). All of them were satisfied with the small incision on suprapubic area and admission time. Average pain score after 1 day of surgery was 4.08 + 1.34.Requirement of analgesic drug injection was 0.58%.
