

  • นิลภา จิระรัตนวรรณะ
  • ขนิษฐา นันทบุตร


The ethnographic and qualitative research aimed at investigating the care system for the aged ina community in the Northeast. The study was conducted in depth interview, group discussion, andstudy of the aged 48, their families as a care giver 7, care giver volunteers for the aged 14. DuringFebruary 2010 to April 2011. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. The study demonstratedthat factors associated with the health of the elderly in rural. With all factors, including a decline in theelderly is a risk to health. Seeking care, social factors, including alcohol consumption potential of thecommunity. The Seniors Coalition. Volunteers help the elderly with. The channel information. Thetemple is the center of spiritual refuge. Car service on illness. Communication technologies. However,there is a threat to the health community and a series of easy drug peddling drugs have also receivedpreferential treatment from the state.


