แรงจูงใจในการเล่นกีฬายิมนาสติกของสมาชิกประจำปี พ.ศ. 2553 ของศูนย์ฝึกกีฬาไทย-ญี่ปุ่นดินแดง อาคารกีฬาเวสน์ 3 กรุงเทพมหานคร


  • ไพบูลย์ ศรีชัยสวัสดิ์
  • นำชัย เลวัลย์
  • ญาณวุฒิ ทวินันท์


This study was intended to fine and compare motivation for playing gymnastics of memberat sport center Thai-Japan Dindeang gymnasium 3 be 2010, were purposive sampled.The data were collected by the writer’s constructed questionnaire (r = .91). After the data were treatedfor frequency’ mean’ standard deviation’ mean differences by t-test.It was found as follows:1. As a whole, the motives were rated at a highest level, both intrinsic and extrinsicMotivation.2. When compared motivations between male and female subjects. It was found that theirintrinsic and extrinsic Motivations were significantly different, at .05 level of confidence.


