A Study of Music Therapy in Thailand


  • Nuttika Soontorntanaphol
  • Prapansak Pum-in


AbstractThe purpose of this research is to study the use of Music Therapy in Thailand and to study Musictherapy’s Curriculum and music activity in Music therapy. The researchers collected Educational literatureabout the Theory of Music Therapy, Elementary of Music, Music Therapy Activity, Benefits ofMusic Therapy, Types of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Education in Thailand. There are tools usedby researchers to do experimental Music Therapy activities, interview the Music therapist, and analyzeresearch in Music Therapy. The results were as follows:There are 3 major characteristic in the use of music therapy: Music Therapy for medical and nursingactivities, Music therapy activities by volunteers and teaching music therapy. In the case of MusicTherapy for medical and nursing, music therapy can effectively relieve symptoms, especially mentalillnesses, which had very good results. More knowledge of music therapy will be released to the publicin the future.Music therapy activities are held by volunteers or researchers. Currently, there are many volunteermusic therapy groups that organize activities in hospitals or medical facilities. These volunteers shouldbe encouraged to organize music therapy activities. They should be given the right therapy knowledgeand awareness of the importance of music therapy to achieve maximum benefits of the activity.The third use of music therapy is the teaching of music therapy in Thailand. Teaching courses inmusic therapy is still at an early stage, such as specific learning disabilities for children. The course ofproducing an undergraduate music therapy program is still in its early stages. The field of music therapyoffered at an undergraduate level should be pushed to happen. This course requires the cooperation ofthe Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Arts. It is very important to integrate knowledge together. Inaddition, students should experience clinical practice and demonstrate the use of music therapy. Theyshould learn and process applied research to achieve the knowledge, understanding and expertise requiredin music therapy.Key words: music therapy, music therapy education, music for medicine.


