ปัจจัยเชิงเหตุของพฤติกรรมเสี่ยงอย่างมีสติของนักเรียนระดับมัธยมศึกษา : การวิเคราะห์เส้นทางอิทธิพล


  • ดุจเดือน พันธุมนาวิน (Duchduen Bhanthumnavin) รองศาสตราจารย์ ประจำคณะพัฒนาสังคมและสิ่งแวดล้อม สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์


Antecedents of Mindful Risk-Taking Behavior in Secondary School Students: A Path Analytic Approach Abstract   This correlational study aimed at investigating the direct and indirect effects of the psychological and situational factors on mindful risk-taking behavior. The sample of 1,520 students of grade 11 consisted of 683 males (44.9%) and 837 females (55.1%), with the average age of 16.83 years. It was obtained by the technique of stratified quota random sampling from schools in Bangkok and Ayutthaya. There were 6 groups of variables in this study. First, the five psychological traits were future orientation and self-control, need for achievement, internal locus of control of reinforcement, moral identity, and mental health. Secondly, situational factors consisted of 5 variables, namely, love-reasoned child rearing practice, appropriate modeling of mindful risk-taking from parents, role models of mindful risk-taking behaviors from the media, social support from significant others, and socialization from school. Thirdly, psychological states consisted of 4 variables, namely, favorable attitude towards mindful risk-taking behaviors, behavioral tendency, peer-negative influence immunity, and psychological immunity. Fourthly, success in life consisted of 2 variables, happiness and academic achievement. Finally, mindful risk-taking behavior consisted of 4 variables: peer-group mindful risk-taking behavior, commuting mindful risk-taking behavior, consuming mindful risk-taking behavior, and social support of peers’ mindful risk-taking behavior. Path analytic latent results revealed that the psychological trait and the situational factor indirectly affected mindful risk-taking behavior via the psychological state (R2 = 0.88) and success in life (R2 = 0.93). In other words, the psychological state and perceived success in life were the two mediating factors with direct effects on the mindful risk-taking behavior of these Thai adolescents. The R square of the mindful risk-taking latent behavior is 0.95. These results have important implications for further research and promoting interventions. Keywords: Antecedents, mindful risk-taking behavior, secondary school students, Path analysis


