กลยุทธ์การสร้างคุณค่าแบรนด์สโมสรฟุตบอลไทยพรีเมียร์ลีก(Bran Equity Building Strategies for Football Clubs in the Thai Premier league)
The objective of this research was aimed tofind the brand equity building strategies for football clubs in the ThaiPremier League. This research combined both quantitative and qualitativemethodologies. The quantitative research was conducted with 724 samples of fanclubs by using in-depth interview of the person who was involved in the area.Information from this was used to develop the tools which are thequestionnaire, that were tested for validity and reliability. The statisticsused were path analysis and structural equation modeling. The qualitativeresearch also used the in-depth interview with management of Thai PremierLeague football clubs to confirm the model from quantitative methodologies. Theresult of this research found that brand equity building strategies forfootball clubs in the Thai Premier League consists of psychological factors,football’s clubs image, integrated marketing communication and brand equitybuilding strategy. Thai Premier Leaguefootball clubs should pay close attention to the integrated marketingcommunication in terms of word-of-mouth marketing as these factors had thehighest impact on the achievement of brand equity building for football clubsin the Thai Premier League, followed by advertising and CEO factors. Moreover,brand equity building strategies affecting brand equity achievement of footballclubs in the Thai Premier League was good fitted with the empirical data.(Chi-Square = 352.82, df = 250, P-value = 0.00002, RMSEA = 0.024, GFI = 0.96,AGFI = 0.95) Keywords: Brand equity building strategies, Integratedmarketing communication, Thai Premier League football clubs.Downloads