การเปลี่ยนแปลงทัศนคติของวัยรุ่นหลังการดูละครโทรทัศน์ซีรี่ส์ “ฮอร์โมนวัยว้าวุ่น”
(Attitude Changes among Adolescents after Viewingthe television series “Hormones”)Abstract Thiscross-sectional study aims to examine attitude changes among adolescents afterviewing “Hormones” television series and their perception regarding the series.Samples were 912 students grade 7-12, both sexes, from 4 schools under theBasic Education Commission in Bangkok which those schools were selectedrandomly. Instruments used were demographic data, the television seriesviewing, attitude on related risk behaviors, and perception on the televisionseries questionnaires developed by the researchers. The result shows asignificant positive attitude changes among those viewed the television series(p<.05), including 1.) Always use condom when having sex, 2.) close family-ties can prevent teen problem,3.) Teenage is able to make sound decision, and 4.) teenages usually got helpwhen need some advice. On the contrary, those non-viewing group had asignificant increase in their positive attitude about having sex relation amongteens (p<.05). It is recommended that this kind of media can be positivelyapplied for teens, by teachers, and parents for prevention risk behaviors amongadolescents. In addition, the longitudinal study on the effects on this “Hormone” television series is recommended. Keywords: Attitude,Perception, Adolescents.Published