An Analysis of Restructuring in Genius Code Puzzles for the Game Show "The One night Genius"
This study analyzes the strategies of restructuring genius code puzzles in the gameshow "The One night Genius". †The results reveal four main strategies used in restructuringpuzzles: 1) Pragmatic strategy 2) Semantic strategy 3) Morphological and Syntactic strategyand 4) Phonological and Form strategy. †Of these strategies, the most frequently used is thePragmatic presupposition strategy, which utilizes shared background knowledge. †ThePragmatic presupposition and reference strategies, which are sub-categories of the Pragmaticstrategy, are also widely used. †Moreover, it was found that the symbol strategy is the mostimportant showing the relation between numbers and language by comparing the alphabetsor the written form with numbers. The results show that knowledge of phonology, morphology,semantics, syntax and discourse helps with restructuring genius code puzzles and forming arelation between number and language systems. †However, in order to be successful in theshow, participants must possess extensive knowledge about Thai culture.Keywords : Restructuring, Puzzle, Genius CodeDownloads